Monday, December 27, 2010

A New First

I've started and restarted this first blog more than I can count. It's interesting to think I'm so concerned with what I'm going to say and how I'm going to make my first impression when my goal for this blog is just to say what I think and not worry about what anybody thinks about it.

I'm constantly surrounded by people who think their opinions are fact. I run into people all the time who refuse to accept they might be wrong or there might be another side to the story. This is why I'm writing this blog. I've tired of trying to drill "logic" into the heads of the stubborn. I have my opinions too and I will let them be known. I will also be researching more into why I have these opinions so I have a solid platform.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think I'm smarter than anybody. I also don't think my opinion matters more than anybody else's. I would just like to let mine be heard. And make fun of others a bit, maybe? I enjoy that as well. :)

Of course, you can't have a blog without personal business. So...all in all...I suppose I don't really have a central theme at this point, but I'm sure it will grow and flourish to represent the sometimes outrageous paths of thought that travel through my brain.

I'm also one of those people who likes to read over what I've written a million times before I'm done with it. I'm going to try not to do that, since I'm trying to be free with my thoughts. SO...I'll rant. I'll rave. And I'll jump from subject to subject. Fair warning.

Let me start with a little about me:

I'm 23 years old (almost 24, but I don't like to talk about that). (I love to use parenthesis and ellipses...) I live in Dayton, Ohio and I am not a fan. My allergies kick in when weather changes quickly and violently. If you've never experienced Ohio, let me explain its weather. It changes. Constantly and consistently. Very quickly and usually violently. We'll have shorts weather one day and snow the next. This is normal for Ohio weather. I find this extremely annoying.

I went to Wright State University back in the day (2005) for engineering, through a series of events, I decided that wasn't what I wanted to do, and I've finally decided I'm ready to get back into the educational scene. I start at Sinclair on January 4th for Math/Education and I can't wait.

After four years of living on my own, I'm back in with the family. Which is awesome. I'm the oldest of five kids. It's totally opposite of how life has been for me recently and I'm making my fair share of mistakes in how I handle situations and everybody else, but I'm learning and finding my place. I love seeing my family everyday and I want nothing but to be a true part of the household. Learning to make decisions based on how they affect seven people instead of just one isn't my strong point quite yet, but, everyday I learn something new and I can feel puzzle pieces falling into place.

I've been single for going on...well...a long time. I lied. It's been past a long time, but we won't get into specifics. I'm okay with this. I feel like I don't handle romantic situations well (imagine a twelve year old trying to date a twenty-four year old) and I'm okay with that for the moment because I feel everything will fall into place for me. Optimism is also not one of my strong points, but I'm trying...I think. :)

I'm a lesbian. This is not a choice. If only it were. I love women. Check the paragraph above and you'll notice that's not necessary the case in return. Like I said, I'm okay with that. Most times. I have a body pillow to cuddle with. Haha. I had a girlfriend once. It didn't really work out. She's engaged to a vampire now...just saying.

I like to make fun of myself as much as I make fun of other people, which is something I do in my head all the time, so I'll be doing that a lot on here. :D

I'm reinventing myself. It's a long process and I have a million goals for every step I'll take along the way, but in the end, I think I'll finally be what and who I want to be.

Alright...enough blabbing. That's enough about me. I'm going to leave with this clip.

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